PAME: Key learnings and next steps from the NIH funded Center for SUDEP Research
updated at 2021-11-16 12:12:08 -0500
The webinar was held on October 25, 2021 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada), moderated by Daniel Lowenstein, MD, University of California, San Francisco and presented by Vicky Whittemore, PhD, NIH/NINDS, Jeffrey L. Noebels, MD, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston and Samden D. Lhatoo, MD, UT Health, McGovern Medical School, Houston.
The webinar was attended by 123 live participants, 19 advocates from non-profit organizations, 30 people with epilepsy or family/partner/caregiver, and 19 international participants from Canada, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Russia and United Kingdom.
Feedback from participants:
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